Improper fraction multiplication formula

a b × c d = a × c b × d

More about improper fraction multiplication


1. Cancel out common factors between numerators and denominators before performing multiplying.
2. Also cancel out common factors across the numerator of one fraction with the denominator of another to simplify calculations.
3. Ensure that the result is always smaller than both fractions because the result represents a fraction of a fraction.


1. A numerator can only be multiplied by a numerator, and a denominator can only be multiplied by a denominator.
2. Multiplication of two or more fractions does not require a common denominator.
3. If the resulting fraction can be simplified, simplify it.

Practise improper fraction multiplication


Example 1: Find the improper fraction multiplication of 7/2 × 4/3.
Solution: Multiply the numerators and denominators i.e 7 × 4 = 28 and 2 × 3 = 6
Reduce to simple form i.e 28/6 = 14/3
Improper fraction multiplication of 7/2 × 4/3 = 14/3.

Example 2: Find the improper fraction multiplication of 10/3 × 6/4.
Solution: Multiply the numerators and denominators i.e 10 × 6 = 60 and 3 × 4 = 12
Reduce to simple form i.e 60/12 = 5/1
Improper fraction multiplication of 10/3 × 6/4 = 5/1.

Example 3: Find the improper fraction multiplication of 16/4 × 8/5.
Solution: Multiply the numerators and denominators i.e 16 × 8 = 128 and 4 × 5 = 20
Reduce to simple form i.e 128/20 = 32/5
Improper fraction multiplication of 16/4 × 8/5 = 32/5.

Example 4: Find the improper fraction multiplication of 12/5 × 7/6.
Solution: Multiply the numerators and denominators i.e 12 × 7 = 84 and 5 × 6 = 30
Reduce to simple form i.e 84/30 = 14/5
Improper fraction multiplication of 12/5 × 7/6 = 14/5.

Example 5: Find the improper fraction multiplication of 18/4 × 10/7.
Solution: Multiply the numerators and denominators i.e 18 × 10 = 180 and 4 × 7 = 28
Reduce to simple form i.e 180/28 = 45/7
Improper fraction multiplication of 18/4 × 10/7 = 45/7.

Multiply improper fraction calculator FAQ

What is an improper fraction?
An improper fraction has a numerator that is equal to or greater than its denominator, representing a value equal to or greater than one.
How do we simplify an improper fraction?
Simplification of improper fractions or top-heavy fractions means finding the lowest value of the fraction by dividing the numerator with the denominator.
What are the steps to find improper fraction multiplication?
Step 1: Multiply both the numerators.
Step 2: Multiply both the denominator.
Step 3: Simplify the fraction.
Could you provide examples from real-life scenarios where the multiplication of improper fractions is commonly applied?
Multiplication of improper fractions is commonly applied in various fields like cooking, construction, financial calculations, healthcare, and design for combining quantities. For example, in production, Company A produces 7/5 of a widget per hour, and company B produces 6/4 of a widget per hour. Multiplying their production rates gives a combined output of 21/10 or 2 1/10 of a widget per hour when they work together.